
Herbs & Minerals

Herbs & Minerals

Rose Hips Fruit of the rose plant, which is in the same family as apples, rose hips have long been used for their high vitamin C content. Rose hips have...

Herbs & Minerals

Rose Hips Fruit of the rose plant, which is in the same family as apples, rose hips have long been used for their high vitamin C content. Rose hips have...

Omegas & Seeds

Omegas & Seeds

Flax Flax has a slightly better omega 3 profile than chia seeds, and can be used for the same benefits. Our flax is sourced from the best on the market...

Omegas & Seeds

Flax Flax has a slightly better omega 3 profile than chia seeds, and can be used for the same benefits. Our flax is sourced from the best on the market...

Carrots, Oats, and Peppermints

Carrots, Oats, and Peppermints

Carrots Carrots have long been fed to horses as treats or feedstuffs over the centuries. My horse adores them over almost all other treats- aside from puff peppermints!  We use...

Carrots, Oats, and Peppermints

Carrots Carrots have long been fed to horses as treats or feedstuffs over the centuries. My horse adores them over almost all other treats- aside from puff peppermints!  We use...

Beet Pulp

Beet Pulp

Beet pulp has been a staple in the equine industry for quite some time, useful for its high fiber content, low sugars, and digestibility. 

Beet Pulp

Beet pulp has been a staple in the equine industry for quite some time, useful for its high fiber content, low sugars, and digestibility. 

Teff Pellets

Teff Pellets

Picky-eater approved and low in sugars and starches, teff is an excellent base for our porridges.

Teff Pellets

Picky-eater approved and low in sugars and starches, teff is an excellent base for our porridges.